
Watch the First 8K Video Shot on Qualcomm's Snapdragon 865-Powered Phone - brownwhipeeir

Watch the First 8K Video Shot on Qualcomm's Snapdragon 865-Powered Phone

Qualcomm declared its flagship chipset – the Snapdragon 865 inalterable December at the Snapdragon Tech Summit 2022 held in Hawaii. The company has newly shared the first 8K video shot along their prototype Snapdragon 865 smartphone and I've got to admit, it looks glorious.

"Smartphones with Qualcomm Snapdragon 865 behind capture professional pictur quality, and will load down interesting new camera features including 8K video capture. 8K picture is loaded with 33-megapixels per frame — so it's big, sharp, and can be shared in its full glory on YouTube.",says Qualcomm.

The video was shot using Sony's IMX586 sensing element in Arizona last November. Yes, Qualcomm had shot this video before it even declared the chipset. The natural sceneries covered in the video include the Grand Canyon, Shoe Bend, and the Petroglyphs near Antelope Canon.

Qualcomm credits its new Spectra 480 Image Signal Processor (ISP) attendant in the Snapdragon 865 for making this possible. In case you're out of the loop, the Spectra 480 ISP processes images and videos at a blazingly fast 2 Gigapixels per endorsement. It supports up to 200MP and enables various features including unlimited HD 960fps slo-mo video transcription, 8K video transcription, 4K HDR, and more.

If you're interested to learn more about the technicalities of the Snapdragon 865 chipset, do not bury to check out our clause along the same Here.

Now that we volition soon witness smartphone brands offer 8K video capturing in smartphones, will you consider exploitation them or are you better off with 1080p or 4K footages to save storage space? Let us know in the comments.

Featured Image Credits: Qualcomm


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